Saturday, January 17, 2009

Contest, Contest, and Answers

Ok, mondobob here and 1 is having a contest!
Who ever can create the best header for my site will get that for the header! Make the header and post it on your site. Then comment below telling be your website or the image url. There will be 3 all together and then YOU will vote on who shall win. This ends next friday so you got plenty of time. Don't worry, I will give you credit.

Now there was a mini contest and no one could get it. Click here to see the original. Here are the answers:
Now for another. For
First Place: You get 50 points
Sencond Place: You get 25 points
Third Place: You get 10 points
Remember: You need 500 points all together to win
Rules: Here is a riddle. answer correctly to win. Comment below with your name and the answer
There was a guy outside. He was afraid of going home. There was a guy at home with a mask on. Why is the guy outside afraid of going home.
Do not ask me any questions at all. I will not respond. Bye!


Black Ops Hunter said...

got it right first,
conratulations, 2 more winners

Black Ops Hunter said...

Courtni58 and greenpen came in second!